In honor of Black History Month, Vanessa Lovelace and Gale Yee will explore the importance of reading the Bible in conversation with the history of racism and sexism, as well as anti-oppression organizing.
February 27th, 2025 from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
United States
Donation Options
Welcome Rate (if making a payment would impede attendance, including those in the Global South and those with extremely low incomes) | $0.00 |
Cooperative Rate (for students, retirees and other low-income persons) | $5.00 |
Regular Rate (the rate we suggest to cover costs) | $15.00 |
Supporter Rate (if you are able to contribute toward subsidizing others' attendance) | $50.00 |
Endorser Rate (offering extra support as a group or individual) | $100.00 |